Hosts and parasitoids of the Mediterranean fruit fly



The Mediterranean fruit fly was detected at the beginning of the Century XX in the municipality of São Paulo, capital of the state of São Paulo, Brazil. Since that date (1901), it has spread throughout the Brazilian territory, where it was recorded in 22 out of 26 states. It is more common in the Southeast and South regions of Brazil, but it already reached the Northeast (1993), the North (1998) and, more recently West-Central (2004) regions. Ceratitis capitata (Wied.) infests mostly exotic fruits in Brazil, but it also attacks several native fruits. The knowledge of hosts in an area is of crucial relevance for the monitoring of this pest.

Citing this publication

Usage of data from Fruit flies in Brazil database in scientific publications should be acknowledged using the following format with the year of the most recent update (****) [see below under Database last updated]:

ZUCCHI, R.A. & MORAES, R.C.B. ****. Fruit flies in Brazil - Hosts and parasitoids of the Mediterranean fruit fly.

Database last updated: July 2024.

Some Statistical Data

Number of host species: 116
Number host families: 31
Number of host species / family:
   25 / Myrtaceae
   20 / Rutaceae
   11 / Rosaceae
   07 / Anacardiaceae
   07 / Sapotaceae


Host species | names according to World Flora Online 2021

Host family | names according to World Flora Online 2021


References | author´s surname

Brazilian state

For full list of host species, host family or references just click on SEARCH.


Roberto Antonio Zucchi | Taxonomy & Regina C. B. Moraes | Web Designer
Department of Entomology and Acarology
ESALQ - University of São Paulo
13419-100 - Piracicaba-SP Brazil
Fone: + 55 19 34294199

