
Subfamily: Typhlodrominae

Tribe: Typhlodromini

Genus (Subgenus): Typhlodromus (Anthoseius)

Species: Typhlodromus (Anthoseius) hartlandrowei


Typhlodromus (Anthoseius) hartlandrowei Evans, 1958b: 580; Bucasa Range (near Kampala), West Meng, Uganda, in nest of social spiders.

Other Names:
Typhlodromus (Typhlodromus) hartlandrowei (original designation) — Evans (1958b)
Clavidromus hartlandrowei Muma (1961a)
Typhlodromus (Neoseiulus) hartlandrowei Pritchard & Baker (1962)
Typhlodromus hartlandroweiHirschmann (1962)
ANJOUAN ISLAND (COMOROS): Kreiter et al. (2021b); Kreiter et al. (2021d);
GRANDE COMORE ISLAND (COMOROS): Kreiter et al. (2021e);
MOHÉLI ISLAND (COMOROS): Kreiter et al. (2021c);
UGANDA: Evans (1958b);
Hosts / Substrates (Holotype):
Substrate: Nest of social spiders — Evans (1958b);

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